
  • Sturgeon, Graeme (1990), ''Wendy Mills’ in Contemporary Australian Sculpture’, Craftsmen House, Australia, pp 63-66.

  • Sturgeon, Graeme (1984), ''The Sculptors’ in Australian Sculptors Now’, National Gallery of Victoria & The Committee of the Second Australian Sculpture Triennial, Australia, pg. 49.

  • Scarlett, Ken (1993), ''Chapter Four: Recycled Parkland – King Edward Sculpture Park, Brisbane’ in Contemporary Sculpture in Australian Gardens’, G+B Arts International Limited, distributed by Craftsmen House, Australia, pp 43-46.

  • Morrell, Timothy (2003), 'Wendy Mills’, IMA Publishing, Brisbane, QLD, pp 42-53.

  • 'Wendy Mills – Intersections between the Seen and the Sensed’.

  • Macarthur, John (2000), ''Radar Art’ in Architecture Australia magazine’, VOL 89 ISSUE 1, JAN-FEB. p.

  • Kirby, Sandy (1992), '”'Sight Lines – Women’s Art & Feminist Perspectives’', Gordon and Breach, distributed by Craftsmen House, Australia, pp 130-133.

  • Hoffie, Pat, 'Not Fence Sitting – The Art on Line Project’, Artlink, Australia, 1998, VOL 18 ISSUE 2. pp 32-33.

  • Helmich, Michel, 'Wendy Mills’ Water Tables’, Artlink, Australia, 2000, VOL 20 ISSUE 4. pp 62-64.

  • Burne, Phillippa (1995), 'Portraiture and Technology’, Artlink, Australia, , VOL 15 ISSUE 2 & 3. pp 43-.

  • Perng, Teresa (2009), 'Interview with the artist’.

  • 'Library of University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW’.

See also

  • 'Sturgeon, Graeme. "Wendy Mills" in 'Contemporary Australian Sculpture', Craftsmen House, Australia, 1990, pg. 63-66.', Published images of artworks 'Untitled', 'Obelisk', 'Divine Union: A Temporary Affair' and 'Transcience' respectively.
  • 'Scarlett, Ken. "Chapter Four: Recycled Parkland - King Edward Sculpture Park, Brisbane" in 'Contemporary Sculpture in Australian Gardens', G+B Arts International Limited, distributed by Craftsmen House, Australia, pg. 43.', Published image of artwork 'Gates of Heaven'.
  • 'Morrell, Timothy. 'Wendy Mills', IMA Publishing, Brisbane, Australia, 2003, pg. 4-51.', Photographs by Wendy Mills except for those otherwise credited.
  • 'Kirby, Sandy. 'Sight Lines - Women's Art & Feminist Perspectives in Australia', Gordon and Breach, distributed by Craftsmen House, Australia, 1992, pg. 131.', Published image of artwork 'Transcience'.
  • 'Hoffie, Pat. "Not Fence Sitting - The Art on Line Project" in 'Artlink' Magazine, VOL 18 ISSUE 2, Artlink Australia, 1998, pg. 32.', Published image of artwork 'Fortitude'.
  • 'Helmich, Michel. "Wendy Mills' Water Tables" in 'Artlink' Magazine, Artlink Australia, 2000, pg. 62-64.', Published images of artwork 'On this Auspicious Occassion'.