
  • Brewington, M. (1969), 'Kendall Whaling Museum Prints’, Kendall, UK.

  • Colligan, Mimi (2002), 'Canvas Documentaries: Panoramic Entertainments in nineteenth-century Australia and New Zealand’, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, Vic.

  • Craig, C. (1961), 'Engravers of Van Diemen’s Land’, Launceston, Tas.

  • Kolenberg, H. and Kolenberg, J. (1988), 'Tasmanian Vision’, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery catalogue, Hobart, Tas.

  • Wesley, C.A. (1983), 'William Duke’, Art Bulletin of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas.

  • (15 March 1850), Colonial Times and Tasmanian.

  • (15 May 1850), Hobart Town Guardian.

  • 'Reference number 4/4856’, Archives Office of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW.

  • 'MB 2/39/8/337’, Archives Office of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas.

  • (1980), 'International genealogical index, December, card E0014’, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (comp.).

  • (13 February 1847), Hobart Town Herald and Total Abstinence Advocate.

  • (13 June 1850), Hobart Town Britannia.

  • Information sourced from Callaway, Anita.

  • Information sourced from Winter, Gillian.

  • Information sourced from Stilwell, G.T.

Initial data sources

  • The Dictionary of Australian Artists: painters, sketchers, photographers and engravers to 1870