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Brewington, M. (1969), 'Kendall Whaling Museum Prints’, Kendall, UK.
Colligan, Mimi (2002), 'Canvas Documentaries: Panoramic Entertainments in nineteenth-century Australia and New Zealand’, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, Vic.
Craig, C. (1961), 'Engravers of Van Diemen’s Land’, Launceston, Tas.
Kolenberg, H. and Kolenberg, J. (1988), 'Tasmanian Vision’, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery catalogue, Hobart, Tas.
Wesley, C.A. (1983), 'William Duke’, Art Bulletin of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas.
(15 March 1850), Colonial Times and Tasmanian.
(15 May 1850), Hobart Town Guardian.
'Reference number 4/4856’, Archives Office of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW.
'MB 2/39/8/337’, Archives Office of Tasmania, Hobart, Tas.
(1980), 'International genealogical index, December, card E0014’, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (comp.).
(13 February 1847), Hobart Town Herald and Total Abstinence Advocate.
(13 June 1850), Hobart Town Britannia.
Information sourced from Callaway, Anita.
Information sourced from Winter, Gillian.
Information sourced from Stilwell, G.T.