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Abbott, G. & Little, G. (1876), 'The Respectable Sydney Merchant: A.B. Spark of Tempe’, Sydney, NSW.
Buscombe, E. (1978), 'Artists in Early Australia and their Portraits’, Sydney, NSW.
Dixson, W. (1919), 'Notes on Australian artists’, Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society, Volume 5, Number 5.
McDonald, P.R. & Pearce, B. (1988), 'The Artist and the Patron’, Art Gallery of New South Wales catalogue, Sydney, NSW.
Moore, W. (1934), 'The Story of Australian Art’, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, NSW (2 volumes).
Ormond, R. (1973), 'Early Victorian Portraits’, London, England, UK.
Rae, J. (1874), 'Gleanings from My Scrap Book’, Sydney, NSW (3rd series).
(1979), Art and Australia, June, Volume 6, Number 4.
(1853), Bell’s Life in Sydney, 12-24.
(1838), Commercial Journal and Advertiser, 11-17.
(1844), Sydney Dispatch, 12-14.
(1843), Sydney Record, 10-07.
(1844), Weekly Register, 12-14.
'Notes on William Nicholas’, Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW (PXn 39).
Information sourced from Neville, Richard.
Information sourced from Wielinga, W.
Buscombe, E. (1980), 'Portraits of the Aborigines’, Sydney, NSW.
Dixson, W., 'Notes on Australian artists’, Dixson Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW (manuscript WD53).
(1847), Sydney Morning Herald, 05-17.
(1847), Sydney Morning Herald, 07-03.
Information sourced from Chapman, W.