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Stephens, L.; and Lee, S., (eds.), 'Dictionary of National Biographies’, London, England, UK : 22 volumes.
Gibbney, H.J.; and Smith, A.G. (1987), 'A Biographical Register 1788-1939’, Canberra, ACT.
Hoare, M. (1981), 'Botany and society in Eastern Australia’, Sydney, NSW : in People and Plants in Australia, (Carr, D.; & Carr, S.).
McCulloch, Alan (1984), 'Encyclopedia of Australian Art’, Melbourne, Vic : Hutchinson of Australia (2nd edition).
McMillan, N. (1976), 'William Swainson’, New York, USA : in Dictionary of Scientific Biography, [Gillespie, C. (ed.)], 16 volumes.
Mallalieu, H. (1976), 'Dictionary of British Watercolour Artists up to 1920’, Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK.
Mander-Jones, P. (1972), 'Manuscripts in the British Isles Relating to Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific’, Canberra, ACT.
Platts, U. (1980), 'Nineteenth Century New Zealand Artists’, Christchurch, NZ.
(1980), 'Australian Colonial Art’, Melbourne, Vic : Deutscher Fine Art catalogue, April-May 1980.
(1979), 'Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Australian Art’, Melbourne, Vic : Deutscher Fine Art Gallery catalogue, July-August 1979.
Swainson, William (c.1834), 'The Birds of Brazil and Mexico’, Londn, England, UK : (1834-35).