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Nicholson, Nancy L., 'Pitjantjatjara Primer’, Australian Presbyterian Board of Missions, illustrated by Winifred M. Hilliard.
Hilliard, W. (1968), 'The People in Between: The Pitjantijatjara People of Ernabella’, Hodder and Stoughton, illustrated with her own colour and b/w photos.
Hilliard, Grant (5 January 2012), 'Winifred Hilliard Obituary’.
http://tributes.smh.com.au/obituaries/smh-au/obituary.aspx?n=winifred-hilliard&pid=155326674Hilliard, G (15 January 2012), 'Information sourced from’.
(1989), 'The Beginnings and Development of Pitjantjatjara Art at Ernabella’, A Myriad of Dreaming, Malakoff Fine Art Press, North Caulfield, Victoria, pp.113-116.
(1990), 'Minyma Tjuta Tjunguringkula Kunpuringanyi, Women Growing Strong Together’, Alice Springs, p.26.
Information sourced from Cooper, Carol.
Information sourced from Hilliard, Winifred.
(1990), 'Women Artists at Ernabella’, M. Kavanagh, ed., Minyma Tjuta Tjunguringkula Kunpuringanyi – Women Growing Strong Together, page 26.
Kirby, S., pp 47, 93.
D.J.B. Young, “Deaconess Winifred Hilliard and the cultural brokerage of the Ernabella craft room.” in Aboriginl History, v.41, 2017, pps. 71-94.