virginia barratt

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Virginia Barratt is a doctoral candidate at the University of Western Sydney’s Writing and Society Centre. Her work in the area of experimental poetics remediates certain embodied practices from pathological narratives, describing new philosophical and strategic spaces of urgency and agency. She was a founder of the cyberfeminist group VNS Matrix and has worked in the fields of gender and technology, performance, writing and academia. Virginia is an activist choosing to live and work in an ethics of sustainability. Her poetic, polemic and performative works are published in TEXT journal, Banquet, Overland among others and in 2015 works are forthcoming from Stein and Wilde + Writing from Below. She collaborates with Doll Yoko aka gashgirl aka francesca da rimini and others and embraces the DIWO (Doing It With Others: Catlow and Garret)approach to artmaking.

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