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This project researches the contribution of Australians to the development of media arts as a global contemporary art practice.
It’s lead researchers are Prof Ross Harley (Media Arts, COFA,UNSW), Assoc Prof, Anna Munster (COFA,UNSW) Prof Sean Cubitt, (Umelb), Dr Michelle Barker (COFA, UNSW), Assoc Prof Paul Thomas (COFA), Prof Darren Tofts (Swinburne) Dr Oliver Grau (Danube University, Krems)
We are using this space as both a content push for Australian Media Arts as well as an experimental space to road test and further develop the collaborative research potential of the DAAO’s new project space.
This project is connected to the 'Scanlines’ and 'Synapse’ projects currently in progress on this site.