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Kelly, Alexander Charles, b. 1811
A keen viticulturalist and medical practitioner Kelly settled in South Australia where he is known to have completed a sketch of the Adelaide Plains. He ...
Laing, James William, b. 1811
Laing came to Victoria during the gold rush and travelled around the colony drawing pencil views of properties and buildings.
Ligar, Charles Whybrow, b. 1811
Colonial New Zealand and Victorian sketcher, amateur photographer, lithographer, model-maker, cartographer, architect, surveyor and grazier
McComb, Frances Louisa, b. 1811
A sketcher who brought with her favourite views of Ireland and watercolours of its native birds and flowers. No drawings done in Australia have been ...
McGlashan, Alexander Seton, b. 1811
A professional photographer who worked with Octavius Hill of the famous Hill-Adamson calotype partnership in his native Scotland. There are only a few surviving prints ...
Mitford, Eustace Reveley, b. 1811
Colonial era Adelaide cartoonist, illustrator, journalist, sailor and farmer
Sadd, Henry Samuel, b. 1811
A mezzotint and wood engraver, Sadd migrated to Australia in 1853 by way of North America. Most of his Victorian work, based on photographs, consists ...
Salvado, Santos, b. 1811
Born in Spain, Santos Salvado arrived in Fremantle on 3 May 1869, accompanying his brother and 47 tons of baggage and objects d'art for the ...
Solly, Amelia, b. 1811
Late 19th century Tasmanian artist, working in oils, watercolour and drawing. Sister to Benjamin Travers Solly.
Stanley, Owen, b. 1811
With his 'passion for the sea', Stanley joined the Royal Navy, which lead him to produce numerous watercolours of Port Essington, the Swan River settlement, ...
Stevens, Meshach, b. 1811
Meshach Stevens was a convict, arriving in Australia aboard the Argyle in 1831. His only known art work is an oil painting showing an Arctic ...
Stokes, John, b. 1811
John Lort Stokes was a sketcher, surveyor, explorer and naval officer. In 1837-43 he took part in the survey of the coastline of northern Australia. ...
Templer, James Lethbridge, b. 1811
Colonial sketcher, poet, maritime officer and farmer, whose appreciation of horseflesh and hunting produced some lively works in landscape, animal and genre scenes including watercolour ...
Turner, Ann Elizabeth, b. 1811
Sketcher and painter, her work are at the Toodyay Gaol Museum.
Walters, Samuel, b. 1811
Painter, worked mainly in Liverpool, England, specialising in pictures of ships. The National Library holds his oil painting of S.S. Australian (1862). Walters never came ...
Want, Randolph John, b. 1811
Prominent solicitor and Member of Parliament (1856-61). Although relatively unknown as an artist, four small signed pencil drawings by Want dating from about 1843 are ...
Zouch, Henry, b. 1811
Superintendent Zouch was in charge when the anti-Chinese riots erupted on the Lambing Flat (Young) goldfields in 1860-61. Zouch's only identified sketch is a watercolour ...
von Guérard, Eugène, b. 1811
Arguably Australia's most important romantic landscape painter during the third quarter of the nineteenth century, von Guérard is considered to have painted over 200 works, ...