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Thomson, Alexander
A photographer whose bankruptcy has been recorded, though his photographs have not.
Thomson, George
Colonial era Victorian sketcher.
Thomson, Joan
Thomson is identified as a principal in a "modern furnishing and home decorating studio" in Melbourne co-directed by Thea Lucas. Thomson is described as studying ...
Thorn, Sara
Thorn worked as a designer as part of Slorach and Thorn, Melbourne. They produced textile designs, accessory designs and graphic works.
Thornhill, Richard
Thornhill worked as a professional photographer in Melbourne in 1861.
Thornton, Matt
Contemporary Canberra cartoonist, animator and commercial artist.
Photography teacher (or confidence man), advertised in the Sydney Morning Herald on 10 November 1862 that he would explain negative and positive photography.
Thorpe, Lyn
Lyn Thorpe is a Yorta Yorta and Wemba Wemba designer who created the possum skin cloak that the "Jaara Baby" was buried in.
Thorton, Cheryl
Thornton is a tapestry artist. She was employed at the Victorian Tapestry Workshop in 1977. She has worked on over fifty different tapestries, including the ...