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Walsh, J.
Early 20th century Bulletin cartoonist
Walsh, Lawrence W.
painter and professional photographer of Heathcote, Victoria. Exhibited examples of his original oil and watercolour paintings at the 1866 Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition
Walsh, Rob
Late 20th century NSW Central Coast Bulletin cartoonist.
Walsh, Sandry
Sandry Walsh is a Wemba Wemba descendant who completed a Koori Art and Design course and along Robyn Robinson established "Triple Tribe" a retail outlet ...
Walsh, Tricky
Hobart-based installation artist
Wantama, Trevor
Pintupi artist who occasionally painted for Papunya Tula Artists in the late 1980s, while residing at Kintore.
War Hop, Sun
Identified as a furniture factory operator, Castlereagh Street, Sydney by Peter Gibson, Voices of Sydney’s Chinese Furniture Factory Workers, 1890–1920, Labour History, no. 112 (May ...
Warangkula, Gladys
Gladys Warangkula is also known as Glady Napanangka.
Warburton, Raymond Parker
Porcelain painter, Raymond Parker Warburton was married to fellow porcelain painter, Ethel Warburton (1894-1992). They pair have a daughter - Patricia Ganter. Warburton was known ...
Ward, Les
Contemporary cartoonist.