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by McGregor, Peter.

The Rocks Threshold

by McGregor, Peter.

Slipstream Lights, Melbourne, VIC

by McGregor, Peter.

Tingara Memorial Park, Rose Bay

by McGregor, Peter.

Peace Reserve, Newtown

by McGregor, Peter.

Spanish Quarter Project, Sydney, NSW

by McGregor, Peter.

Chinatown Lighting

by McGregor, Peter.

Ben Buckler Park, North Bondi

by McGregor, Peter.

Parramatta Rail Interchange - Artistic Wall Work

by Jones, Jonathan.

Sussan Group Headquarters, Melbourne, VIC


by Tuckwell, J A.




As it is

by Wight, Normana.

Milton, Qld.: Numero Uno Publications, Grahame Galleries, Editions, limited edition of 10 copies with 5 proofs, poetry by Anne Kirker, 8 leaves (7 folded): col. ...

Works on paper


by O'Callaghan, Mel.

Ink-jet print on aluminium

There There

by Alwast, Peter.

By Peter Alwast


private collection

Private collection.