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Yeatman, Philomena, b. 1960
Philomena Yeatman is a traditional weaver of baskets but began her artistic career working in screenprinting and jewellery making. She weaves her baskets from natural ...
Yeomans, T. R.
Yeomans was a portraitist who worked in the Bathurst region of New South Wales during the mid-nineteenth century.
Yorston, Bridget
Fashion Designer and Director at Bec & Bridge
Young, Mabel
Young was a woodcarver whose work on the Boxer Rebellion clock was 'souvenired' by the Savage Club, Melbourne.
Young, Noela
Young, a children's book illustrator, was made famous by her drawings for 'The Muddle-headed Wombat'.
Young, Beryl
Young was an associate artist of the Art Training Institute, Melbourne.
Young, Edward, b. 1821
Worked as a surgeon on board the 'Roxburgh Castle' in 1861. Young kept a diary of the voyage which included over 100 small illustrations in ...
Young, Lucia, b. 1880
Young was a leatherworker and metalworker, who exhibited with the Society of Arts & Crafts of New South Wales during the early twentieth century.
Young, R. B.
Drawing teacher at the Adelaide Educational Institution in Stephens Place, Rundle Street, Adelaide in the 1850s.
Young, Russell, b. 1838
Mid 19th century painter, amateur photographer and lawyer of Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania).