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Jack, Eunice Napanangka, b. 1940
Eunice Jack is an Indigenous painter from the Pintupi/Pitjantjatjara tribe whose country is Tjukurla. She has been painting since 1992 and her subjects include her ...
Jackson, Shorty Tjampitjinpa, b. 1950
Kintore artist who painted for Papunya Tula Artists, the company his father Uta Uta Tjangala initiated with fellow Pintupi and other tribesmen.
Jackson, Milton, b. 1933
Artist who made work as a child while living at the Carrolup Native Settlement between the ages of seven and fourteen. He later lived and ...
James, Maude Wordsworth
Designer, author and song-writer who lived in Kalgoorlie during the goldrush. A 1900 photograph in the collection of the Eastern Goldfields Historical Society includes Mrs ...
Jenkins, J. M.
Artist, was a member of the WA Society of Arts who studied at the Perth Technical School some time before WWI.
Jones, Clifford Malcolm, b. 1939
Graphic artist, painter and printmaker, Jones was born and trained as an artist in England. He came to Perth in 1958, where he did finely ...
Jones, Dianne, b. 1966
Melbourne based Photomedia artist whose work inverts the accepted view of Australian art history by repositioning the representations of Indigenous people by placing them into ...
Joubert, Jules François De Sales, b. 1824
Nineteenth century art and language teacher, exhibition organiser, theatrical entrepreneur and property developer he played a major part in expanding colonial Australian representation in international ...
Joynes, Heather, b. 1923
Joynes was an embroiderer and needleworker working in Sydney. She was an active member of the Embroiderers Guild NSW, exhibiting in their exhibitions and other ...
Jugadai, Narputta Nangala, b. 1933
Pintupi artist related to several of the original "painting men" from Papunya. After gaining initial experience working with her husband, Timmy Jugadai, she is now ...
Juli, Mabel, b. 1933
Senior Gija/Kitja artist based in Warmun, East Kimberley.
Jurra, Joseph Tjapaltjarri, b. 1950
A leading artist for Papunya Tula based at Kiwirrkura (WA). He secured his first solo exhibition at Gallery Gabrielle Pizzi in 1989, a few years ...
Kahan, Louis, b. 1905
Louis Kahan was a versatile, multi-talented artist and designer. He served in the French Foreign Legion and worked as a tailor in Paris where he ...
Kaye, Nicola
Perth-based artist, curator and academic who has explored the impact of digital and virtual culture upon our lives.
Kelly, Bella, b. 1915
Noongar Aboriginal landscape artist from Mount Barker who is strongly associated with the Carrolup school of artists. Well remembered and respected in the southwest, Great ...