by Haynes, Joylene.
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by Haynes, Joylene.
by Haynes, Joylene.
Solo Exhibition
Solo Exhibition
Solo Exhibition
Solo Exhibition
Solo Exhibition
Solo Exhibition
Curated by Jason Smith
Solo exhibiiton: 1. At the gate 2005 (20 pieces) 2. Drift 2005 (19 pieces) 3. Chord 2004 (14 pieces) 4. Poem for bird 2005 (11 ...
Shared exhibition: 1. Bottles and bowl, 2004 2. Three bottles, two bowls, 2004 3. Summer window still life, 2004 4. Two bowls, 2004 5. Still ...
Sole Exhibition
Tour (5 Oct.-17 Dec. 2004, Farnham Crafts Centre, 7 Jan-6 Feb. 2005, Ruthin Craft Centre, North Wales).
Solo Exhibition
Solo exhibition
Solo exhibition 1. Glide, 2002 2. Yellow, 2002 3. Harbour, 2002 4. Pale still life with teapot 2002 5. Summer still life, 2002 6. Pale ...