Joseph Backler made the best of his transportation to Australia by becoming a prolific and highly regarded portrait painter. He travelled the east coast taking ...
Marriage and nine sons meant that Mary Ann Badgery never realised her ambitions to establish herself as an art teacher however she painted and exhibited ...
The exact identity of the artist Bailey remains unknown - but there are several contenders including the Anglo-Irish sculptor Edward Hodges Baily and the painter ...
Painter who was interested in portraying Aboriginal subjects. Her portrait and genre paintings, which date from the 1890s, are now in the South Australian Museum ...
Henry Hall Baily was born in Tasmania but was trained at the London School of Photography in the early 1860s. A professional photographer, he exhibited ...
John Baily was Director of the Art Gallery of South Australia during the Dunstan years. Nationally he endeared himself to artists and curators for his ...
Mid 20th century painter and cartoonist. Baird was a foundation member of the Society of Australian Black and White Artists, along with 24 other men. ...