Eddie Puruntatameri was Australia's first Indigenous studio potter. After studying at Bagot pottery he returned home to Bathurst Island where he established Tiwi in 1972. ...
Australian ceramist, jewellery and fashion designer who, after visits to Bali and training with George Bell, took up painting in the 1950s and worked in ...
The Egyptian born Emanuel Raft brought a cosmopolitan perspecive to the way he approached painting, sculpture and design. He was also a teacher and mentor ...
Caricaturist, cartoonist, illustrator, journalist and cartoon historian. Rafty joined the Sun Associated Newspapers group in 1940 but enlisted in the AIF in 1941.
Sculptor, photographer and installation artist, Jacky Redgate has been exhibiting for over 25 years. Throughout her career she has received a number of grants and ...
Lesley Redgate, painter, emigrated to South Australia in 1967 where she attended the South Australian School of Art, Stanley Street, from 1972 to 1976 after ...
Lloyd Rees began his career as an architectural draughtsman, and established his reputation as an artist with detailed pen and pencil drawings of around Sydney. ...
Illustrator, author, art critic, editor, producer, drama historian and dramatist. Rees published many popular and beautifully illustrated children's books on Australian fauna, but he is ...
Alison Rehfisch was deeply influenced by theosophy and spiritualism. Her tendency to mysticism found expression in the new Modernist vision to reveal the truths of ...
Contemporary artist, Reisch's paintings depict images of the Hawkesbury River, NSW, where he lives and works. He is deeply concerned with pictorial space and ways ...
Margaret Rich has been one of the key figures both in researching, collecting and exhibiting colonial and impressionist art, and in regional arts in Victoria. ...