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by Dufour, Gary.
Inert 1982 was exhibited in Obedient Object/Specific Tradtions at Mercer Union Gallery, Toronto 21 September to 9 October. It is constructed of flame cut 20mm, ...
by Marjason, Frank.
Sydney: Print Room Press, limited edition of 55 copies, i, 52 p.: ill.; 30 cm.
Works on paper, Linocuts
by Forde, Tony, de Souza, Richard.
Flash’d like neons that move in colors that fly and oceans still the heart that start … d/Archive
by Woods, Rowan, The Marine Biologists.
In response to a special questionnaire the MBs produced these 'personal statements'. d/Archive
by Mousoulis, Bill.
Jewellery-case changes teenager's life �“ a tribute to Spielberg d/Archive