Curedale is an industrial designer and educator, a former automotive designer, a senior clay model for Toyota Australia, also worked for Audi, BMW, Ford Australia, ...
Curman was a commercial photo-lithographer initially working for the printer John Sands & Co., Sydney. A specialist in 4-colour printing, he worked for printers in ...
Currey is an English-born designer who came to Australia in the mid-20th century, working for Georges, Melbourne, later as a principal at interior design Riddell ...
Mid 20th century illustrator and artist. In 1922 Curtis travelled to the USA with his great friend, the pioneer filmmaker, Charles Chauvel. There he developed ...
Dabscheck is a Melbourne fashion designer whose father Morrie Dabscheck wholesaled garments under the label Hollywood Modes. She trained in the industry and in 1953 ...
Greg Daly is a an internationally renowned ceramist, author and educator specializing in glaze techniques, lustres and surface treatments including gold and silver leaf.