Alexander Sadlo is a modernist painter, ceramist, enameller and jeweller who fled from the Communist regime in post-war Czechoslovakia, migrating to Australia and settling in ...
Sainthill was involved in a number of mural projects while in Melbourne. He became a leading mid 20th century painter and theatre designer who lived ...
Henry Salkauskas. originally Henrikas Salkauskas was one of the generation of post World War II immigrant artists who had a profound and lasting impact on ...
William Salmon described his art as emerging from the landscape. He trained initially in graphic arts at Swinburne Technical College and worked as a textile ...
Watercolour and oils painter who exhibited with West Australian Society of Arts, Perth Society of Artists, Victorian Art Society and the Launceston Art Society.
A self taught Pitjantjatjara painter who began his association with Papunya Tula Artists in the early 1980s but nowadays works independently. He has exhibited across ...