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Digby, Geoff, b. 1926
Digby attended Melbourne Technical College studying commercial art, later working as an industrial designer for Radio Corporation (Astor Radios) before moving into graphic arts in ...
Dillon, Cyril, b. 1880
Mid 20th century commercial artist and cartoonist.
Dixon, John, b. 1929
Prolific Australian post WWII comic book and newspaper strip artist ("Air Hawk and the Flying Doctor") and others. Worked on storyboards, advertising, comics after travelling ...
Djarrpirni, Judy
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Docker, Miss
Docker is the author of a needlework illustration of a waratah in R.T. Baker's The Australian Flora in Applied Art, Technological Museum, Sydney, 1915. Figure ...
Dods, Mary Mariam, b. 1867
A woodcarver and embroiderer, Mary Dods actively contributed to the interior designs of her husbands architectural projects. An American by birth she used Australian motifs ...
Doherty, Brian, b. 1956
Screenprinter, artist and designer actively involved in 1980-1990 Brisbane artist-run spaces Red Comb House, A ROOM, That Contemporary Art Space. And in Sydney, Sydney Intermedia ...
Donald, Margot, b. 1923
A talented photographer and designer, Margot Donald worked in various commercial studios in Sydney and later in London. She produced sets, backgrounds and photo-murals, as ...
Done, Ken, b. 1940
Done has worked as an art director in advertising internationally and locally with a Cannes Golden Lion Award in 1967. He has worked in textiles, ...
Doube, Gerard
Gerard Doube, in partnership with Isobel Doube began a furniture company in 1953. Gerard trained at the Melbourne Technical College and the Natl Gallery School. ...
Doube, Isobel
Isobel Doube, in partnership with Gerard Doube began a furniture company in 1953. They worked as artists, furniture designers and makers, later turning to fashion. ...
Mr Douglas was a scene painter. In 1855 and 1866 he worked for Sydney's new Prince of Wales Theatre. In 1869 Douglas worked for the ...
Douglass, Mark, b. 1964
Douglass is a ceramics designer, interior designer, lighting designer. A founder-member of Whitehall Interprises, est.1987, Footscray, Melbourne, Victoria.
Doukoff, George
Doukoff trained in Bulgaria as a furniture maker, arriving in Australia in 1951. His "volkschair" and other furniture items were put into production in Queensland ...
Dovell, Andy
Dovell is a naval architect and a surfboard fin designer.
The Misses Downing painted Tasmanian flora and fauna. Their designs were recreated on fine china, for sale in exclusive shops.