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sculptural installations - Erina Square Shopping Centre

by Humphries, David.

Commissioned by Lend Lease Design. Sculptural Installation by David Humphries.

terrazzo artwork - Campbelltown Regional Gallery

by Humphries, David.

In collaboration with Peter Day and local indigenous artists Commissioned by Campbelltown Council.

the politics of belly dancing: a choreopoem

by Abood, Paula.

performance piece produced and presented by the Sydney Arab Feminist Alliance (SAFA) in Sydney and Canberra in 1994.

choreopoem, performance

the residual artifacts of communication

by Sandoval, Richard Mathias.

essences of common emotions and experiences, without language or representational imagery. d/Archive


‘Untitled’ from ‘Life forms (Baroda)’

by Cattapan, Jon.

37.8 x 27.8 cm (irreg.)

ink, watercolour, gouache on paper

‘Untitled’ from ‘Life forms (Baroda)’

by Cattapan, Jon.

29 x 28.5 cm (irreg.)

ink, watercolour, gouache on paper

‘Untitled’ from ‘Life forms (Baroda)’

by Cattapan, Jon.

38 x 28 cm (irreg.)

ink, watercolour, gouache on paper

‘Untitled’ from ‘Life forms (Baroda)’

by Cattapan, Jon.

22.8 x 33 cm

ink, watercolour, gouache on paper

‘Untitled’ from ‘Life forms (Baroda)’

by Cattapan, Jon.

22.8 x 33 cm

ink, watercolour , gouache on paper

‘Untitled’ from ‘Life forms (Baroda)’

by Cattapan, Jon.

22.8 x 33 cm

ink, watercolour , gouache on paper

‘Untitled’ from ‘Life forms (Baroda)’

by Cattapan, Jon.

22.8 x 33 cm

ink, watercolour, gouache on paper

‘Untitled’ from ‘Under New York’

by Cattapan, Jon.

triptych: 63 x 28.3 cm; a: 19 x 14 cm, b: 19 x 19.5 cm, c: 19 x 28.3 cm

oil stick and oil pastel on paper

‘Untitled’ from ‘Under New York’

by Cattapan, Jon.

18.9 x 28.2 cm (irreg.)

watercolour on paper