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by Cattapan, Jon.
triptych: 63 x 28.3 cm; a: 19 x 14 cm, b: 19 x 19.5 cm, c: 19 x 28.3 cm
oil stick and oil pastel on paper
by Cattapan, Jon.
diptych: 25.8 x 37 cm; a: 25.8 x 17.6 cm, b: 25.8 x 17.8 cm
watercolour and pastel on paper
by Cattapan, Jon.
triptych: 60 x 25.3 cm; a: 13 x 23 cm (irreg.), b: 19 x 25.3 cm, c: 19 x 25.3 cm
oil stick on paper