Val West is an Aboriginal artist, her ancestry is Aboriginal from the Gamilaroi & Murawarri Aboriginal nations and feels deeply connected to D'harawal Country. She ...
Sketcher, army officer and pioneer, is best known for his Sketches in Australia, a volume of eighteen tinted lithographic views each preceded by a short ...
Whilst studying woodcarving in London 'Chips' formed a lifelong friendship and working relationship with fellow student Eirene Mort. Upon return she taught woodcarving, carpentry and ...
Sketcher and Quaker missionary he visited Tasmania in 1834 while on a mission tour of the South Sea islands and eastern Australia, arriving in Sydney ...
Ken Whisson combined a strong social conscience with an ascetic life style. His paintings and drawings were intuitive approaches to things seen and felt. He ...
Contemporary Queensland and Sydney digital animator, caricaturist and cartoonist. Won the 'Artist of the Year' Stanley Award in 1990 and her first Walkley award in ...
Anthony White b.1976 National Art School (Painting) Sydney. He immigrated to Paris, 2009. He was the recipient of The Gruner Prize for Landscape Painting 2005 ...
Whiting was a mid 20th century newspaper and wartime cartoonist who contributed to Smith's Weekly, Table Talk and Bulletin. He served with with Australian Imperial ...