Sydney-based lighting designer who originally trained and worked as an industrial designer. McDermott's practice has spanned architectural, residential, corporate and site-specific art projects.
Roger McLay began working in industrial design after 1947. McLay's most celebrated work, the "Kone" chair, was developed and sold from 1948. From the mid-1950s ...
Well known as a sculptor, Meadmore began his career as a designer. His furniture was sold at Marion Hall Best’s showrooms and his lighting design ...
Teacher, inspector, unionist and organiser, in South Australia. When the former Women Assistants' Association (SA) became the Women Teachers' Association in 1906 she was elected ...
Georgiana Molloy was born in 1805. She thought herself the first person to make a flower garden in the Western Australia. Molloy also designed patterns ...
Moody had an early career in mechanical engineering, later becoming an industrial designer for GM Holden, BMC Australia. He was industrial design manager AWA and ...
Moyes is an aeronautics designer, apprenticing in electrical engineering, then becoming an automobile electrician working from his own garage. He was part of a movement ...
Neill studied at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, later earning a graduate degree at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). He established a London ...
Sculptor and installation artist, Simeon Nelson has been commissioned for a number of large public projects in Sydney including the redesign of Chifley Square (1995-97); ...
Industrial designer and design educator. He studied at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and established a private practice as Carl Nielsen Design ca.1961, which ...
Nowina-Sapinski is an industrial designer, USA citizen, resident in Australia in the 1960s [dates uncertain], industrial designer Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., Pasadena, Latham Tyler, Jensen, Product ...