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An interdisciplinary collaborative group formed by Jonathan Duckworth, Lawrence Harvey and Mark Guglielmetti in 2000 concerned with exploring virtual reality technologies.

by Bunt, Brogan.

Screen-based interactive work.

new media

doctor pancoast's cabinet de curiosités

by Glaser, Michelle.

collaborative work created by Michelle Glaser, Mia Lalanne, Marie-louise Xavier and Chris Wells.

Fibre Reactive

by Franklin, Donna.

Bio-art piece consisting of a dress made from living fungi.

living organisms, fungi


by Biggs, Simon.

Functioned as both an interactive immersive installation and web-based work.

installation, screens, digital video, internet

The Naughty Apartment

by Helyer, Nigel.

Consists of several miniature models of the apartment of Mikhail Bulgakov, drawn from his novel The Master and Margarita. Each model contains a scene from ...

installation, audio, architectural models

Cardiomorphologies v. 1

by Khut, George, Tonkin, John.

Collaborative work. Interactive installation in which devices measured participants' heart rate and breathing patterns, which generated a changing visual projection and sound scape.

video installation, sound, installation, computer programming


by Duckworth, Jonathan, Guglielmetti, Mark, Harvey, Lawrence, Kreger, Tim, Metraform.

Collaborative work. Consisted of several screens which displayed a wrap-around stereoscopic 3D image, and an interactive 8 channel sound field. Up to 4 participants could ...

sound field, screens, installation

Red check

by Roberts, Margaret.

building, iron oxide, swings, people


by Verspaget, Cynthia J.

An interactive online work that consisted of a virtual landmass created from global position data. Viewers traversed the landmass and their activity affected some of ...

Phone Book

by Hope, Cat, Muir, Rob, Riddoch, Malcolm.

Collaborative work. Installation consisting of a shelf of books, some of which contained mobile phones which played readings of the sections of text that had ...


Still: Waiting2

by Wallworth, Lynette.

Video installation environment. Single channel HDV cam, 5.1 surround sound. Commissioned by New Crowned Hope and Arnolfini, produced by Forma.

video installation


by Duckworth, Jonathan.

Elements is an interactive table top environment that supports movement assessment and rehabilitation for patients recovering from Traumatic Brain Injury.

Wii Leaf

by Duckworth, Jonathan.

Wii Leaf is an interactive installation that enables participants to explore embodied notions of touch, body movement, and playful experience.