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Duterrau, Benjamin, b. 1767
Duterrau arrived in Australia when he was 65. Already an established artist, he produced many Australian 'firsts' including 'The Conciliation' - the first history painting ...
Tompson, Charles, b. 1784
English born landholder and farmer whose two recorded sketches of himself and his wife are kept in possession of the family.
Reveley, Henry Willey, b. 1788
English born Henry Willey Reveley, sketcher, architect and civil engineer, was responsible for the design and supervision of public works at Fremantle, Perth and outlying ...
Beamont, John, b. 1789
A committed public servant, John Beaumont held various positions in Hobart Town with the colonial administration. Only one known surviving sketch exists, which is now ...
Devoy, Thomas, b. 1792
Thomas Devoy is best known for his portraits, some of which were exhibited at the 1849 Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts Exhibition in ...
Taylor, James Edward, b. 1794
Painter, farmer and once a toll-gate keeper, James Edward Taylor migrated with family in 1849 from Plymouth, England, and arrived in South Australia. Lived chiefly ...
Graves, John Woodcock, b. 1795
A painter and composer, Graves worked in a variety of roles and jobs while living in Tasmania, advertising his various skills that included painting, composing, ...
Bell, Thomas, b. 1798
After emigrating from Ireland, Thomas Bell and his family lived on the land in New South Wales. After his wife died, Bell placed an advertisement ...
Gresswell, John, b. 1798
Goldsmith and orchardist who was born in England who lived and worked in Perth in mid 1800s.
Rishworth, Richard, b. 1799
Richard Rishworth, listed in the Ballarat Directory in 1857 as artist and decorator, lived at Bakery Hill, Ballarat East, Victoria. He was also Secretary for ...
Champion, Thomas, b. 1800
Professional photographer born in Somerset, NSW. Resident of London and Sydney he spent the majority of his life in Windsor, NSW where he became a ...
McCormick, Robert, b. 1800
McCormick is neither remembered for his excellence in the navy nor blessed with a magnificent portfolio that might redeem his deficiencies in this area. Although ...
Houten, Henry Leonardus Van Den, b. 1801
Henricus (Henry) Leonardus van den Houten was a painter and art teacher. In 1853 he migrated with his family to Victoria. Van den Houten was ...
Martens, Conrad, b. 1801
Well-travelled (South America, South Pacific and Australasia) English colonial watercolourist, oil painter, lithographer, sketcher and landscape artist who is one of the better known 19th ...
Stone, Alfred Hawes, b. 1801
Although an amateur photographer, Stone's work is a significant record of the city of Perth's development between the 1860s and 1870s in Western Australia.
Abel, August Theodor, b. 1802
This chemist, mineralogist and amateur artist had an interest in religious art. A German immigrant, he settled in Ballarat, becoming an active member of the ...
Campbell, John, b. 1802
John Campbell was a Sydney-based sketcher, merchant, politician and churchman. While never fully committing to his artistic career Campbell nevertheless still exhibited with the NSW ...
Docker, Joseph, b. 1802
Photographer Joseph Docker is thought to have taken the earliest surviving calotypes in Australia. With his photographer son, they took many images of the Australian ...
Geddis, John, b. 1802
Art teacher and schoolteacher of a day and drawing school in Sydney from at least 1844 to 1873, at various locations usually in Kent Street. ...
Moffitt, William, b. 1802
Engraver, stationer and bookseller. After the expiry of his convict sentence, Moffitt established a successful business as a bookbinder, stationer, engraver and copperplate printer in ...