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Bennett, Dorothy, b. 1923
Dorothy Bennett was introduced to Aboriginal art when she was a medical secretary accompanying Dr Stuart Scougall on an excursion to the Northern Territory. She ...
Goodale, Jane, b. 1926
Anthropologist Goodale spent many years studying and photographing the native people of Oceania, especially the Tiwi people of Northern Australia.
Liddle, Bessie, b. 1927
Liddle was born near the southern border of Hermannsburg. Hermannsburg provided much needed relief in times of drought or need, and it was at the ...
Baker, Nyukana, b. 1943
Pitjantjatjara artist from Ernabella who began painting, designing and weaving in 1963 and producing batik in 1971. Her work is widely exhibited in Australia and ...
Jackson, Linda, b. 1950
Linda Jackson is an artist, writer, and painter who has worked in the fashion industry. Jackson was born in Melbourne in 1950.