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Meenyan Art Gallery

by Sandon, Karen Valerie.

inaugural annual print works on paper show.

Victorszoon, Victor, b. 1653
A painter and cartographer who travelled on the 'Geelvink' commanded by Willem de Vlamingh in 1696. Victorszoon's paintings are the sole visual record of the ...
Spring, Herman Diedrich, b. 1733
A studious man with a talent for detail, he became through default one of the artists aboard Captain Cook's Endeavour. He died young, at sea. ...
Alt, Augustus Theodore, b. 1734
A surveyor and sketcher, whose view of Early Sydney in 1796 is in the collection of the National Library of Australia in Canberra.
Furneaux, Tobias, b. 1735
Made a sketch of the vessel 'Adventure', on which he sailed with Captain James Cook to Van Diemen's Land in 1773.
Hunter, John, b. 1737
Colonial NSW Governor, as well as watercolourist, sketcher, and naval officer. One of his drawings was the basis for the first published illustration of a ...
Cook, Elizabeth, b. 1741
Embroiderer. Elizabeth Cook is best known to history as the wife of the renowned navigator-explorer Captain James Cook. Despite never joining her husband on his ...
Brewer, Henry, b. 1743
A sketcher and architect who arrived with the First Fleet. Nothing is known that is undoubtedly from Brewer's hand.
Hodges, William, b. 1744
Painter and sketcher, Hodges was born, educated and worked in London. From 1772-1775 he travelled the Pacific and to Norfolk Island as the official landscape ...
Parkinson, Sydney, b. 1745
Sydney Parkinson was a natural history and topographical painter. Joseph Banks took him on Cook's Endeavour voyage to the Pacific (1768-71) where he was a ...
Banks, Joseph, b. 1748
Drawings completed on Lieutenant James Cook's voyage to the antipodes from 1768 to 1771 were originally attributed to Joseph Banks but recent scholarship now asserts ...
Biffin, , b. 1748
Early nineteenth century artist Biffin, who might otherwise be known by the names Biffion or Beffen.
Boyne, John, b. 1750
Late 18th century London cartoonist who published cartoons about the imminent departure of the First Fleet to Sydney in 1786.
Smyth, Arthur Bowes, b. 1750
Naval surgeon with the First Fleet. Acute observation of birds and plants during his travels led to a collection of journal entries and sketches, including ...
Smith, Isaac, b. 1752
Relative of James Cook, he also served the navigator aboard the Endeavour in the voyage to Australia, and according to Cook particularly instrumental in making ...