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Jess, Georg Carl August Herman, b. 1841
Upheavals in his homeland of Denmark prompted Georg Jess to emigrate to Australia in 1864. He settled with his new wife in Victoria where he ...
King, Stephen, b. 1841
An explorer and sketcher, Stephen King accompanied John McDouall Stuart on his exploration journey across Australia; he later travelled around South Australia on field surveys. ...
Morphett, Amy Gawler, b. 1841
Sketcher from South Australia. In 1859 her father lent her flower painting to the exhibition of the South Australian Society of Arts.
Paterson, Emily Susan, b. 1841
An accomplished painter and craftworker, Emily Paterson's watercolours of native Australian birds and flowers were exhibited extensively with the NSW Academy of Art. Paterson, the ...
Pitcher, John Garlick, b. 1841
Sketcher, bank manager and Church of England clergyman, whose artistic aspirations were utterly destroyed by Hon. Charles Davies' sardonic remarks in the press in 1859.
Richardson, Mary, b. 1841
Mary Richardson exhibited two watercolours 'Groups of Flowers' at the 1869 Melbourne Public Library Exhibition. The artist was most probably Mary Ann Richardson or possibly ...
Smedley, John, b. 1841
Late 19th century Sydney born painter and architect whose work was influenced greatly by East Asian modes of painting and drawing. He travelled and lived ...
Stockdale, Harry, b. 1841
Harry Stockdale was sketcher, collector, explorer and horseman who also contributed articles on Aborigines and other subjects to various periodicals in the late 1800s.
Willett, George, b. 1841
Colonial male photographer who named his studio the Royal Photographic Temple of Light after shooting two princes on tour.
Book of Treasures

by Allport, Mary Louise.

Her mother's sketchbook. Contains examples of her work, notably trees, flowers and landscapes.