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Cumpston, R.S., b. 1869
Lithographic artist, painting teacher, die sinker and engraver who advertised in Wise's Post Office Directory in 1903, 1914 and 1936.
Nankivell, Frank, b. 1869
Australian-born American cartoonist and illustrator. Nankivell studied art in Japan before settling in San Francisco where he published a fortnightly magazine, 'Chic'.
Shirlow, John, b. 1869
Influential Federation era Melbourne painter, etcher and cartoonist.
Whyte, Janie Wilkinson, b. 1869
Whyte was from the 'first wave' of feminist artists and among the first women in Melbourne to paint dockyard scenes. Although she painted flowers and ...
Alsop, Edith Annie Mary, b. 1871
Painter, illustrator and printmaker who studied at the Central School of Arts in London and under André Lhôte in Paris. Despite her formal fine art ...
Long, Sydney, b. 1871
Sydney Long established an early reputation in the 1890s as a painter of decorative Art Nouveau landscape and mythological subjects. Later, in London, some of ...
Moffitt, Ernest Edward, b. 1871
Melbourne artist/young man about town, who died early - memorial book could well be the first monograph written on an Australian artist.
Cotton, Herbert Walter E., b. 1872
Federation era Sydney cartoonist, caricaturist and illustrator. The exhibitor in London in 1886 and Adelaide 1887 may be another H. Cotton.
Nuttall, Charles, b. 1872
Federation era Melbourne painter, cartoonist, illustrator, etcher and journalist. Nuttall was colour-blind, so specialised in black and white work and monochrome paintings from which his ...
Robertson, Bruce, b. 1872
Bruce Robertson was President of the Australian Painter-Etchers' Society, succeeding Lionel Lindsay. He spent some time studying and exhibiting in Britain.
Teague, Violet, b. 1872
A painter and printmaker, spent many of her informative years in Europe. While receiving numerous accolades and awards for her artistic practice, she was the ...
Binney, Muriel Mary Sutherland, b. 1873
A painter, etcher and designer who exhibited both in Australia and abroad and who is thought to have lessons from Dattilo Rubbo. Binney was also ...
MacNally, Matthew James, b. 1873
A well known art critic and journalist, James MacNally was also a highly regarded watercolour artist during the interwar years.
Lindsay, Lionel, b. 1874
The first member of the prolific Lindsay family to become a professional illustrator. A constant experimenter with photography and etching, Lionel Lindsay became a dominant ...
Thorpe, John Hall, b. 1874
Illustrator and engraver, born in Victoria, began his career in 1891 as a wood engraver for John Fairfax and worked as a staff artist on ...
Goodhart, Joseph, b. 1875
Exhibited his etchings at the Paris Salon only two years after he adopted the medium. He also sketched extensively in Tasmania, aiming to record historical ...
Hoy, Grace, b. 1875
Painter and printmaker, lived in the Sydney suburb of Newtown for the whole of her artistic life. She produced and exhibited monotypes and between 1922 ...