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Raft, Emanuel, b. 1938
The Egyptian born Emanuel Raft brought a cosmopolitan perspecive to the way he approached painting, sculpture and design. He was also a teacher and mentor ...
Winsley, Joyce, b. 1938
Narrogin weaver specialising in figurative sculpture.
Ashburn, Liz, b. 1939
Liz Ashburn is a feminist installation artist whose work has long been concerned with social issues, especially the impact of war and conflict. For many ...
Baldessin, George Joseph Victor, b. 1939
Widely travelled, Baldessin honed his art through formal training and collaborative projects. He was a highly respected printmaker who studied at the Chelsea School of ...
Burn, Ian, b. 1939
Internationally influential late 20th century Geelong raised conceptual artist. Central to the Art & Language movement.
Erickson, Dorothy, b. 1939
West Australian jeweller Dorothy Erickson has always reached out to a global audience with her elegant precise pieces, which are often based on elements found ...
Farman, Nola, b. 1939
Nola Farman is an interdisciplinary artist who works in whatever medium suits the concept. Her work ranges from permanent public sculpture through installation, painting, drawing ...
Bishop, Tony, b. 1940
Tony Bishop has exhibited sculpture and drawing since 1965, participating in many Australian sculpture triennials, prizes and surveys. He is a past Board Member of ...
Clark, Tom, b. 1940
Painter and sculptor born in Tasmania. Resident on the North Shore of Sydney, New South Wales.
Collings, Silver, b. 1940
With experience in Australia and London, Collings works as a jeweller and sculptor.
Kitching, Michael, b. 1940
Without any formal art education, sculptor, printmaker and designer Michael Kitching emerged as one of the original voices of 1960s art in Australia.
Dodd, Margaret, b. 1941
As a student Margaret Dodd exhibited in the first Funk Ceramic exhibition in San Francisco in 1968. After returning to Australia she became a major ...
Watt, Alan, b. 1941
Alan Watt's sculptural ceramics and more recently his metal forms describe the manipulation of landscape by humanity. He was Head of the Ceramics Workshop at ...