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Stewart, Phyllis, b. 1954
Phyllis Stewart a painter, weaver, drawer and shellworker is part of the Boorlang Nangamai Aboriginal Artists Group based in Gerringong NSW. Her woven octopus and ...
Symes, Adrian, b. 1954
NSW-based artist Adrian Symes works across a range of media including painting, drawing, sculpture, performance, video and audio, and murals.
Van den Berg, Jelle, b. 1954
Dutch born, Sydney resident painter and curator
Walker, Deborah, b. 1954
Painter and printmaker whose work is held in the collection of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Walker is a graduate of the Victorian College ...
Walker, Graeme, b. 1954
Graeme Walker is an Indigenous artist from the Northern Rivers, NSW. His work is about the landscape, the flora and fauna of country. He uses ...
Waller, John, b. 1954
John was an active participant of the 1980's QLD ARI sector.
Willding, Ian Kenneth, b. 1954
Ian Willding, a Wiradjuri man, developed his art while working for many years at the Suneden Special School in Adelaide. His inspiration however came from ...
Anning, Michael, b. 1955
Indigenous carver and painter, Michael Anning's work was awarded the Wandjuk Marika Memorial 3 Dimensional Award at the Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ...
Bennett, Gordon, b. 1955
Acclaimed contemporary Indigenous artist, Gordon Bennett's work explores the role of language and systems of thought in forging identity. Much of his work is concerned ...
Croft, Pamela Joy, b. 1955
Pamela Croft's works portray the importance of tradition, the recognition of ancestors, respect for uniqueness in spiritual expression, the facilitation of an understanding with the ...
Daniels, Barney Tjungurrayi, b. 1955
Commenced painting in the mid 1980s for the Centre for Aboriginal Artists in Alice Springs. His work was included in the Australian Bicentennial Exhibition (1988) ...
Debenham, Pamela Elizabeth, b. 1955
Tasmanian-born printmaker and painter, taught and practiced printmaking at the Sydney University Art Workshop in the 1980s. Many of her works are now held in ...