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Nicholson, Chris
Nicholson is a furniture designer/maker. He established his joinery practice "Forest Furniture" (Wollongong NSW) in 2013. His work can be seen through the Dessein Furniture ...
Young, Chow
Identified as a furniture factory operator, Liverpool Street, Sydney by Peter Gibson, Voices of Sydney’s Chinese Furniture Factory Workers, 1890–1920, Labour History, no. 112 (May ...
A., C. H.
Professional photographer, C.H.A was offering his services in Sydney around 1868, advertising in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Abbold, Charles
Sketcher and cartoonist, Abbold's subjects ranged from scenes of the voyage from England to life on the Victorian goldfields.
Abbott, C. A.
Cartoonist and lithographer, his professional career centres on the Ballarat Punch, particularly from 1867 to 1870. At various times he was also briefly the magazine's ...
Abraham, , b.
This travelling photographer worked at Yass, New South Wales, in the mid-nineteenth century and was the partner of Frankford.
Acley, R. H.
Travelling from San Francisco, this professional photographer worked in Sydney and Victoria. His daguerreotype practice specialised in portraits and landscape views.
Federation-era postcard cartoonist whose work is held in the National Library of Australia. His subject matter included the rivalry between Melbourne and Sydney.
This professional photographer practiced in Victoria in the mid nineteenth century. His work included views of Sandhurst, Bendigo as well as Mount Macedon.
Adams, Burnett
Male colonial painter who exhibited with the Royal Art Society in 1885.
Adams, Charles J.
Male colonial watercolourist whose 1889 work 'Waterfall near Dalgetty' was eventually sold at auction in Melbourne in 1973.