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Legoe, Esther, b. 1898
Photographer and painter. Member of a woman's art group called 'The Gropers'.
Coleman, Dorothy, b. 1899
Photographer and painter. She was Brisbane's leading society photographer between 1935 and 1960.
Hill, Ernestine, b. 1899
Photographer and author. After the publication of The Great Australian Loneliness in 1937, she was arguably one of Australia's most popular writers until the 1950s.
Orthman, Walter, b. 1899
Walter Orthman was an important contributor the Queensland Pictorialist Photography movement and made a significant contribution to the arts in Far North Queensland.
Wallace-Crabbe, Kenneth Eyre Inverell, b. 1900
Mid 20th century Melbourne painter, printmaker, journalist and publisher.
Chisholm, Miriam Strickland, b. 1901
Semi-professional photographer and amateur historian from Gouburn, New South Wales
Michaelis-Sachs, Margaret, b. 1902
professional photographer who also dabbled in painting and drawing later in her career, migrated to Australia from Europe, specialised in documentary photographs, portraiture and dance ...
Sutherland, Jean Parker, b. 1902
In 1923 Sutherland was awarded the National Gallery of Victoria's prestigious Travelling Scholarship and after enjoying the cosmopolitan lifestyle of Europe for four years, training ...
Wright, Hilda Margaret Fendick, b. 1903
Perth photographer known for her hand-coloured black and white photographs of the flora of the south-west of Western Australia. Fendick's work was widely exhibited in ...
Aikin, Hamilton, b. 1904
English male photographer, film-maker, editor and Presbyterian priest who went outback for Outreach, a Church journal, documenting indigenous cultures and mission activity.
Atkin, Hamilton, b. 1904
Photographer and Presbyterian clergyman, Atkin was the first Director of the Audio Visual Department of the Church in Victoria before becoming a professional freelance photographer ...
Kefford, Maude, b. 1904
Photographer and teacher, born near Lithgow in 1904. Maude Kefford was an avid photographer not beyond 'setting up' her photographs.
Annie May and Mina Moore
Professional portrait photographer's in New Zealand, Sydney, and Melbourne, and painter of miniatures on ivory.
Collings, Geoffrey, b. 1905
Mid 20th century photographer, designer, graphic artist, film-maker, cartoonist and illustrator, in collaboration with his wife Dahl Collings.
Pitman, Clare, b. 1905
Clare Pitman (née McMahon) was a sculptor, ceramicist, painter, photographer, poet, pacifist, garden designer, horsewoman and sometime riding teacher. She studied painting and drawing at ...