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Missingham, Hal, b. 1906
Western Australian born painter, photographer, illustrator and author. He also had an active interest in design issues authoring a book, "Design Focus" for architects, craftworkers ...
Moriarty, Stanley Gordon, b. 1906
Melbourne-born, Sydney-based designer and advertising agent whose collection of Papua New Guinean art and artefacts played a significant role in Australia's understanding of Melanesian art ...
Poignant, Axel, b. 1906
Axel Poignant (1906-1986) is one of the most influential photographers of Australia’s new documentary movement and, in over five decades' work, proved himself a master ...
Bosworth, Richard C. L., b. 1907
Richard C.L. Bosworth was a photographer, chemist and academic.
George, Heather, b. 1907
Heather George (1907–1983) was a commercial photographer known for her industrial, fashion and outback photography, and working as a designer and painter.
Harding, Florence May, b. 1908
(Florence) May Harding, 1908-1971, teacher of art and botany, photographer, botanist, and artist, who was born, worked and died in Broken Hill, NSW.
Lindsay, Peter H., b. 1908
A landscape painter, cartoonist and commercial artist, Peter Hammon Lindsay was the only child of artist Percy Lindsay (the eldest child of the prolific Lindsay ...
Ramsay, Gwen, b. 1908
Gwen Ramsay, painter, photographer, garden designer, theatrical designer and producer was greatly influenced by her cousin, Roy de Maistre. She travelled extensively and lived in ...
Birch, Harold, b. 1909
Photographer and photo-engraver who worked at Western Australian Newspapers. After he retired he worked in a voluntary capacity at the Royal Western Australian Historical Society.
Collings, Dahl, b. 1909
Dahl Collings was a painter, commercial artist, graphic and exhibition designer, illustrator, costume and textile designer, photographer and documentary film-maker. Often working in partnership with ...
Green, Alice, b. 1909
Although she abandoned her early photographic pursuits after she married, Alice enjoyed photographing her brother and a friend with her first camera in her early ...
Hodgson, Mattie, b. 1909
Mattie Hodgson was a photographer retoucher, and colourist working in Perth and London from the mid-1920s to World War II,
Fox, Kathinka, b. 1910
Kathinka Fox, photographer, born Hamburg arrived in Melbourne during World War II and worked for Peter Fox. She is possibly the Wiltrant Creutz, who married ...
Cotton, Olive, b. 1911
Olive Cotton's black and white photographs are characterised by their use of light to create ambiguity. For most of her life she was better known ...