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Shillito, Phyllis Sykes, b. 1895
Mid 20th century Sydney-based designer and painter
Jane and Olive Simms
Early 20th century Indigenous Sydney shellworkers. The first recorded commercial sales of shellwork is from the late 1800s. Indigenous women sold their work mainly to ...
Albury, Winn, b. 1896
Twentieth century female watercolourist who worked as a commercial in Sydney and Sacremento, California. Work found amongst her estate included a number of designs for ...
Cook, Noel, b. 1896
Mid 20th century Auckland/Sydney/London based cartoonist and comic strip writer.
Dawkins, Mabel G., b. 1896
Mid 20th century modern artist and cartoonist.
Lindsay, Joan, b. 1896
Best known as the author of 'Picnic at Hanging Rock', Lady Joan Lindsay was also also a talented oil and watercolour painter.
Nicholls, Syd, b. 1896
Cartoonist, creator of "Fatty Finn".
Blumann, Elise, b. 1897
A student at the Berlin Academy of Art under German Impressionist Max Liebermann, Blumann fled Nazi Germany in 1938, she and her husband settling in ...
Blumann, Elise Margo, b. 1897
Painter who studied at the Berlin Academy of Arts under Max Liebermann and Kathe Kolwitz (1914-1918). Blumann arrived at Perth with her family in the ...
Coghlan, Elaine E., b. 1897
Painter and art teacher. Resident of Sydney, New South Wales, early in her career Coghlan concentrated on oil paintings but later turned to watercolours as ...
Cummings, Douglas Laurie, b. 1897
Sign writer, watercolourist, policeman, photographer and graphic artist who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts and designed the Pitman & Walsh Memorial in ...
Davies, Lewis Roy, b. 1897
Printmaker and the first principal of the National Art School, East Sydney Technical College. His work mainly deals with atmosphere and light.
Mack, Brodie, b. 1897
Mid 20th century Wellington (NZ) and Sydney cartoonist and theatrical entrepreneur, Mack was a founding member of the Society of Australian Black and White Artists ...
Macqueen, Kenneth, b. 1897
A trustee of the Queensland Art Gallery, Macqueen studied art in London after serving with the Australian Imperial Forces during World War One. On returning ...
Maughan, Jack, b. 1897
Maughan was a painter, cartoonist, commercial artist, clerk, theatrical designer and producer. Reproductions of anti-war images by Otto Dix and George Grosz had a deep ...
Murray, Edith Constance, b. 1897
Puppeteer, was born Edith Constance Blackwell. She was a foundation member of the Puppetry Guild of NSW (later the Australian Puppetry Guild).
Ovenden, Dick, b. 1897
Early 20th century Melbourne painter, cartoonist and caricaturist.
Reynolds, Len, b. 1897
Cartoonist, illustrator and painter. Reynolds attended Hobart Technical College in 1909-12, 1914 and 1918 and exhibited with the Art Society of Tasmania in 1918-19.
Ridley, Marjorie Alice, b. 1897
Painter and basket-weaver. Charles Hamilton wrote of her 1939 exhibition work, "A most interesting exhibit of articles made from Guildford grass by Miss M. A ...
Shore, Arnold, b. 1897
Influential mid 20th century Melbourne modernist painter, teacher, critic and cartoonist. Shore began his career designing stained glass. In the 1920s he consistently supported Post-Impressionist ...