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Wilcox, Lucy Emily, b. 1875
Toowoomba based painter who worked until her marriage, when she became an art collector.
Adams, Henrietta M., b. 1876
Female oil painter of portraits and flowers who was catalogued in the preliminary Sydney exhibition for the First Australian Exhibition of Women's Work in 1907.
Barrow, Lottie, b. 1876
Miss Lottie Bates Barrow was an artist who helped bring the Aesthetic Movement to Western Australia around 1900.
Coghill, Evangeline St. Clair, b. 1876
Painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts, Perth Society of Artists and Western Australian Women's Society of Fine Arts and Crafts. Coghill ...
Coulter, Margaret I., b. 1876
Miss Margaret I. Coulter, painter, exhibited at the Royal Artists' Society in 1897. Her oil painting of Sydney Harbour is in the Mitchell Library, State ...
Craig, Janie, b. 1876
Painter who was both a working member and a committee member of the West Australia Society of Arts in the early 1900s.
Newell, Alice, b. 1876
Painter, craftworker and one of the founders of Castlemaine Art Gallery.
O'Connor, Kathleen, b. 1876
A painter who spent much of her life in Paris, exhibiting regularly at the Salon d'Automne. She painted mainly still lifes and portraits but also ...
Burns, Mary, b. 1877
Participated in pupil exhibition at 15 years of age.
Burrowes, Jessie, b. 1877
Jessie's work was included in the Exhibition of Woman's Work, 1892, she was 15.
Cleary, Emily, b. 1877
Student in Sydney. Exhibited in the Exhibition of Woman's Work, Sydney in 1892.
Gibbs, May, b. 1877
Creator of the famous tales of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie, the Gumnut babies, Gibbs began her career as a cartoonist and hoped to be recognised as ...
Grant, Gwendolyn, b. 1877
She embraced no radical modernist philosophy; her belief in the virtues of restraint, knowledge, study and, indeed, the moral significance and nobility of art, tempered ...
Healy, Phoebe, b. 1877
Early 20th century Sydney [?] cartoonist. She specialised in working-class subjects and jokes and contributed regularly to "Aussie" in 1930-31.
Pelloe, Emily Harriet, b. 1877
Emily Harriet Pelloe was a wildflower painter, author, naturalist, journalist and equestrienne. Well known for her riding expeditions, she became an expert botanist contributing to ...