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Bevan, Thomas
Thomas Bevan was a professional photographer in the nineteenth century who is known to have lived and practiced in Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane.
Brown, Joseph Lyne
Renowned for his caustic wit later in life as an alderman on Cairns City Council, as a photographer Brown is best known for popularising the ...
Cardell, Edmund Charles Henry Boys
Professional photographer of the firm Cornock & Cardell, Adelaide. Also worked in South Australia and Queensland.
Chandler, Andrew
Professional photographer. Took photographs in all the eastern colonies of Australia, except Tasmania.
Clarke, Percy
Widely travelled Colonial era painter, sketcher and author.
Duesbury, William, b.
Colonial era Queensland cartoonist, sketcher, architect and surveyor.
Field, Henry, b.
A professional photographer who came to Victoria from England in the mid 1850s, presumably - and unsuccessfully - in search of gold. In the late ...
Hall, Algernon
Professional photographer, worked in Victoria and Queensland taking portraits and views of towns and districts. He photographed the bushranger Daniel 'Mad Dog' Morgan lying dead ...
Leonard, John H.
Late colonial-period Adelaide, Melbourne and, possibly, Brisbane newspaper cartoonist, Leonard was the cartoonist "Leo" on the Port Adelaide News c.1877
Lomer, Albert
Professional photographer and colourist of Brisbane, Sydney and Queensland who worked throughout the mid to late 19th century. A one-time partner of Andrew Chandler, Lomer's ...
Metcalfe, Daniel F., b.
professional photographer, owned photographic galleries in Sydney and Brisbane and travelled through regional NSW.
Pochee, Bingingee Sorabjee
A professional photographer and presumably Indian Parsee who seemed to have moved constantly around rural Queensland between 1863 and 1882.
Roggenkamp, Christopher
Christopher Roggenkamp was professional photographer and was also running the Victorian Studios at Warwick, Queensland in the late 1800s.
Scott, Montagu
Montagu Scott arrived in Melbourne in the late 1850s and ran a photographic studio before illustrating the Melbourne Punch. He later moved to Sydney where ...
Tullett, Charles H.
A professional photographer, Tullett worked across a number of cities and states around Australia. In 1863 he is believed to have been in partnership with ...
Welch, Edwin J.
Along with James Murray, Welch was the expedition photographer for the Victorian government relief party to the Burke and Wills expedition in 1861. Welch had ...
Wilder, Joseph Warrin
Male colonial Queensland pioneer tabloid photographer who had a knack for shooting murderers before they had committed their crimes, and a habit of selling copies ...