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Polson, Rachael
Rachael Polson is a New Zealand artist working in sculpture and painting.
Pooley, Grace Hendy
Early 20th century Sydney painter
Port, Elsie M.
Associated with the West Australian Society of Arts (1908-1913). Her further career is not known.
Porter, Zoe
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Porter, Phoebe
Jeweller and cofounder, with Blanche Tilden, of the Melbourne-based 'Studio Hacienda'.
Miss Potter was a watercolourist whose authorship were later disputed by Martha Snell Berkeley
Poulson, Mona Napurrurla
Her work has been included in group exhibitions of the Warlukurlangu Artists
Pounds, Caroline
Pounds, Caroline (née Elam) was a watercolourist. She made studies of birds and plants in Australia and New Guinea. They are thought to have been ...