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Baxter, Robert
A restless auteur, Robert Baxter travelled regularly throughout rural southwestern New South Wales as a professional photographer whose work included both portraiture and architecture.
Baxter, Jean
Jean Baxter is of Latje Latje and Weragaia heritage and is a wood burner and painter of canvasses and ceramics.
Bayes, Gilbert
Gilbert Bayes was an English sculptor who created the bronze equestrian sculptures found on either side of the entrance to the Art Gallery of New ...
Bayfield, F. J.
Little is known of Bayfield but that her period of artistic activity was c.1890-1911.
Bayley, E. A.
E.A. Bayley exhibited a crayon drawing at the 1870 Sydney Intercolonial Exhibition where it was awarded a commendation. Little else is known of them.
Bayliss, Janet
Exhibited in the The Perth Prize for Contemporary Art held at Art Gallery of Western Australia in 1956.
Mr Bayly exhibited at the Art Society of New South Wales 1889 exhibition in Sydney, NSW.
Bayly, John V.
John V. Bayly regularly exhibited his paintings with the Art Society of New South Wales throughout the 1880s.
Bayly, W. D.
W.D. Bayly exhibited three works in the 1883 Art Society of NSW which garnered a favourable mention in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Bayly, Peter
Bayly was a principal of Bayly Design Associates (now Bayly Design, Melbourne). His career began with Phillips, Adelaide in 1956. He designed products for Hoover, ...
Beach, H. P.
Professional photographer working in Victoria in the 1860s, Beach took photographs at the Burnt Creek Diggings in 1861.
Beach, Eric
NZ and Australia poet and playwright
Beach, Annie
Late 20th century political cartoonist, Beach's work was reproduced in Wendy Harmer's 1994 book "It's a joke, Joyce: Australia's funny women". Beach worked across several ...
Beale, Margaret
Arriving in Australia with her younger children, Beale joined her husband (and elder children) in Tasmania before moving to Melbourne. In Hobart Town she had ...