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Baron, J. F.
Baron was a monumental mason at Albany around 1888.
Barr, S.
A resident of Balmain, Miss Barr exhibited at the Sydney Intercolonial Exhibition of 1879-1880.
Bates, J. W.
Serpentine sculptor and engraver he was possibly the son of Thomas William Bates stonemason, woodcarver and monumental mason who arrived in 1842 and worked in ...
Bayes, Gilbert
Gilbert Bayes was an English sculptor who created the bronze equestrian sculptures found on either side of the entrance to the Art Gallery of New ...
Beatty, J.
Mrs J Beatty was a wax modeller who exhibited a collection of her works in the 1873 Agricultural Society of NSW Exhibition in Sydney.
Beck, Lawrence
NSW sculptor Lawrence Beck is active member of the arts community who has organised several sculpture symposia around NSW. He was the artist responsible for ...
Beere, Alfred
Alfred Beere was a painter and sculptor whose work included a number of public commissions, among them a series of 12 medallions for the decoration ...
Bell, Jack
Jack Bell grew up on Palm Island (Townsville). He is known for his carved animal sculptures made from milkwood and painted with synthetic paints and ...
Bellamy, Suzanne
An activist for feminist issues, Suzanne Bellamy has been at the forefront of pushing conventional boundaries outwards and exploring both painful personal themes and broader ...
Berusowski, Schura
Ceramic sculptor, modeller and classically trained Russian ceramicist.
Late colonial-era woodblock artist, woodcarver and pastry cook from Hamilton, Victoria. Betts put his skills to good use, carving both functional and decorative butter pats ...
Birch, C. B.
C.B. Birch was an English sculptor who received commissions to create work in Australia, including for the Australian Joint Stock Bank in Sydney, this despite ...
Black, Kat
Kat Black has worked exclusively and Jasper Cook as the duo "VJzoo" since 2003. Formerly a painter.
Boehm, J. E.
J.E. Boehm was an English sculptor admitted to the Royal Academy of Art who had two works exhibited as part of the British Loan Collection ...