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Ewart, W.
An established landscape and genre painter in England, Ewart painted many prominent citizens of Sydney and Bathurst and advertised himself as a painter who could ...
Ewing, Stan
Mid 20th century 'Man' magazine cartoonist. He draw a cartoon of a man in Hell.
F., B.
B. F.'s 1848 pencil and watercolour drawing of three horses' heads is held in the Mitchell Library, pasted in Henrietta Octavia Lamb's Sydney album.
F., C.
The inscription on the back of C. F.'s undated drawing, 'A Sailing Bark Flyer, the Union Jack', suggests he was a friend of Conrad Martens.
Fabbro, Rinaldo, b.
Fabbro is an Italian-born architect establishing Fabbrostone P/L ca.1964 in Sydney specialising in the use of prefabricated concrete. He developed distinctive finishes and pre-cast panels ...
Faigenbaum, Kai
Artist who participated in the Screen exhibition at the 2002 Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth (BEAP).
Fairfield, Charles
Colonial-era Victorian journalist and illustrator. Father of British suffragette and author Dame Rebecca West
Fairland, Charles Henry
Charles Henry Fairland was a painter, lithographer, illustrator and drawing master. He became town clerk of Hunters Hill municipality on its inception in 1861. His ...
Fairlie, Peter
Late 20th century satirical magazine cartoonist. He contributed to 'Matilda' and 'Simply Living.'
Fairman, B. George
B. George Fairman, who opened a studio in Launceston in the late 1860s, appears to have been a society photographer, since his stock-in-trade was the ...
Falconer, W. T.
Federation era Bulletin cartoonist. Falconer's cartoon 'The Pharisee' was included in Kerr, Judd and Holder's 1999 exhibition at S.H. Ervin in Sydney.