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Gardiner, Frank L.
Exhibited in Tia Galleries, Toowoomba.
Gardiner, Mary, b.
An Irish born sketcher and diarist who settled with her family at Gardiner's Creek, now Hawthorn, in Melbourne.
Gardiner, M. S.
Painter who exhibited with the Perth Society of Artists.
Gardner, George
Professional photographer whose studio on George street, Sydney, narrowly escaped a fire in 1864.
Gardner, John
Mid 20th century Melbourne cartoonist, commercial artist (from necessity), landscape painter (by choice) and amateur photographer. Visited and taught painting at Hermannsburg, NT, in the ...
Gardner, J.
Painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1949.
Garrett, L.
Tasmanian watercolourist and schoolteacher exhibited at Hobart Town Art Treasures Exhibition in 1862-63.