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Hardwick, William
A carver who was at 122 La Trobe Street, according to the Melbourne Directory for 1851.
Hardwick, George, b.
Hardwick is a textile designer, formerly employed by Tennyson Textiles, Tootal as well as a lecturer at the Sydney College of the Arts and the ...
Hardy, Nicola
Contemporary Brisbane online cartoonist.
Harford, Thomas
Painter, sketcher, signwriter and draughtsman, Harford accompanied Samuel Stutchbury and William Curtis on their geological and mineralogical survey of New South Wales in 1850-54.
Harley, D
D Harley was a ceramicist active c. 1953. Harley was potentially a member of the Adelaide Potter's Club. An stoneware bowl, signed D. Harley is ...
Harmsworth, Irene
Contemporary New South Wales caricaturist. Harmsworth drew caricatures at the National Trust S.H. Ervin Gallery one Saturday afternoon during the 1999 Artists in Black and ...
Harney, James
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