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Hickford, James
Painter and signwriter, in partnership with Hughes, Hickford painted two transparencies to celebrate the arrival of the Duke of Edinburgh in Melbourne in 1867.
Hicks, V.
Mid 20th century cartoonist and caricaturist. National Library of Australia in Canberra holds Hicks's original brush and ink drawing.
Higgs, E. A.
Miss E. A. Higgs was a painter. In 1885 she was included in an art exhibition organised at Launceston.
Higgs, Joshua
A painter who was included as a professional artist in an art exhibition in Launceston in 1885. His Tasmanian watercolours include Low Head, Tasmania, 1891, ...
Hilder, Kim
Sydney based sculptor, son of artists Roma Hopkinson and Bim Hilder and grandson of watercolourist J.J. Hilder.
Hilder, Elsa and George
Elsa and George Hilder are recorded as interior designers specialising in clubs. They are recorded as designers for the Newtown RSL, the Apia, Harboard Ex-Servicemens' ...
Hill, Dotty
An illustrator who lived in Paddington, Sydney and who won the Illustrated Sydney News' five guinea prize drawing competition in 1892 for The Young Amazon, ...
Hill, Thomas Adams
Painter and professional photographer, worked in Melbourne between 1855 and 1869. He produced portraits in every known photographic medium and he also painted miniatures on ...