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Hinwood, Rhyl
Sculptor who has been carving the capitals and gargoyles at the University of Queensland, St Lucia, for years.
Hitch, Lily
Lily Hitch was the first manager of the Design Arts Centre, Brisbane which opened in 1966. the Centre was owned by the Qld State Government ...
Hitchcock, Adela J.
Adela J. Hitchcock designed and made 'The Great War Sampler' in order to commemorate the war service of her nephew, Private Cecil Valrent de Putron ...
Painter and art teacher, was married to Fortescue Hitchins. By 1859 Mr and Mrs Hitchins were holding art classes at Maitland, NSW.
Hobson, Margaret
Natural history artist, her only recorded work is a sketch of the fossil teeth found on Mount Macedon, Victoria, in 1845. Her drawing was lithographed ...
Hodder, W. C.
Painter, was listed in the catalogue as both 'designer' and exhibitor of an untitled oil painting shown at the 1861 Victorian Exhibition. Little else seems ...