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Ingeborg, Karen
Ingeborg is described as a Sydney-based designer producing kit furniture in her "Sweden-craft" range in The Australian Dream, Design of the Fifties, Judith O'Callaghan, ed. ...
Bulletin cartoonist, 1980s. Ingham's work is held in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, Sydney.
Inglis, Mikie
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Inglis, James
Inglis is an interior designer working with the Gas & Fuel Corporation and represented in the 1968 Best Dressed Rooms exhibition with a "Kitchen for ...
Ingpen, Edith C.
Architect, possibly from Melbourne, Victoria.
Insley, Lawson
Photographer, specialised in portraiture and travelled from Sydney to New Zealand and eventually to Queensland with his business.
Irby, A. H.
Sketcher and soldier, a lieutenant in the 51st Regiment, arrived at Western Australia in 1840. The five etched plates of bush life in 'The Bushman,' ...
Ireland, Andrew
Cartoonist, Andrew Ireland has two signed original cartoons dating around 1980s.