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Early 20th century wartime cartoonist, Knight's drawing 'We will be there' was published in The Cartoon in 1915.
Knight, C.
C. Knight was a painter in Hobart in the early 1840s and is assumed to be also the photographer and photographic showman of the same ...
Knight, Julius
British sculptor Julius Knight was interviewed the Lone Hand during a visit to Australia and New Zealand in 1907.
Knight, L.H. (Harry)
Knight was an interior designer with a special interest in cinema auditorium lighting, neon and decorative fibrous plaster mouldings. He had a professional association with ...
Knowles, Fred
Knowles was an early 20th century author and illustrator whose work includes the 1918 publication 'With The Dinkums'.
Koch, Frank
An early 20th century cartoonist and self-described 'Adelaide man', Koch was a major contributor of cartoons to Adelaide publications the 'Gadfly' and 'Critic'. For a ...
Kogler, Brian
Late 20th century Sydney newspaper caricaturist, comic strip artist and illustrator. Koglan conributed to the Sydney Morning Herald and the Sun-Herald in the early 1990s ...
Kohlhoff, Tom
Mid 20th century Bulletin cartoonist known for an original caricature of Albert Namatjira that was done in 1950.