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Leck, Robert
Professional photographer. Thought to have been the first photographer to produce cartes-de-visite in Queensland.
Lee, Robert
Painter and professional photographer, showed photographic views of the Heathcote district in Victoria, at the 1866 Melbourne Intercolonial Exhibition. An oil painting in the colonial ...
Lee, Cinnamon
Lee is a metalsmith working with jewellery and lighting. She works from a studio in Sydney and has affiliations with Metalab, Surry Hills.
Lee, Chong
Chong Lee has been identified by Michael Lech, curator at the Caroline Simpson Library and Research Collection, Sydney as a Sydney furniture maker active in ...
Leeming, Fiona
Leeming studied design and graphic arts at Swinburne University, Melbourne, later working for USP Needham, the Masius agency, Melbourne, Young & Rubicam, London and other ...
Leepin, Bruno
Leonard was an illustrator for the Australian Broadcasting Commission. His work is illustrated in The Arts in Australia Series, "Commercial Art" written by R. Haughton ...
Leer, John
Contemporary cartoonist. His work is held in the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.
Sketcher, exhibited two works with the South Australian Society of Arts at Adelaide in 1859: 'Head' and 'The Ruined Tower'.
Lefroy, Charlotte Anne
A watercolour flower painter and wife of the soldier and scientist Sir John Henry Lefroy. She painted many watercolours of Bermuda and native Australian flowers.
Sketcher, arrived at Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land, aboard the Medway on 12 August 1827, with her four sisters and two brothers. Drawings of Aborigines ...
Lehman, Christian
Scene-painter and actor, was a member of the celebrated Lehman ballet troupe which visited Australia in 1867. assisted Messrs Pitt and Fry on the Melbourne ...