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Matthew, Gillian
Matthew studied at the Caulfield Institute of Technology, Melbourne and works as a graphic artist.
Matthews, John M.
Colonial male artist whose drawings, oils and watercolours of NSW landscapes have been considered naive.
Matthews, Howard
Mathews began his exhibition career in Melbourne at Riddell's Art Gallery as early as 1939 following study at the National Gallery School. He continued to ...
Matves, Gabrielle
Matves is identified as a designer and gallery manager (Princes Gallery, Melbourne) in Nanette Carter & Robyn Oswald-Jacobs. Frances Burke, Designer of Modern Textiles. Melbourne ...
Maudson is the lithographed signature on a Qantas Super Service at Your Command poster, ca.1954. No further details.
Tasmanian colonial art teacher who exhibited everyone else's work except his own and taught chemistry and mineralogy to pay for the space.
Mawson, Ray M.
Painter who exhibited with the West Australian Society of Arts in 1949 and 1956.
Maxted, J.
Colonial printer whose image of an experimental flying machine, published in Launceston, might not be so experimental, as the the only Maxted engraver was in ...